3 Tips to Retain Your Top Data & Analytic Employees

In today’s candidate-driven market, employers have less leverage than ever before. This makes it even more important for organizations to find ways to retain their top performers. If employee retention isn’t at the top of your company’s list, it should be now.

Competition continues to grow, especially in the data science and analytics industries. The fact is that organizations just like yours want to attract and hire your top employees. This means that retention is crucial for encouraging your best employees to stay.

Here are three top ways to retain your most critical employees.

Provide positive feedback more often

One of the underpinnings of retaining and engaging employees is showing that they’re more than a number or a person in a seat. Employees are people, and like all people, they want to feel appreciated.

To keep employees motivated and to recognize their great strides and achievements, provide positive feedback more often. Highlight employees when they go above and beyond.

Even a simple note acknowledging that someone did a great job can go a long way in building confidence and morale.

Positive feedback also encourages productivity. One study found that almost 70% of employees said they would work harder if their efforts were better recognized.


Foster respect

A study involving 20,000 employees worldwide ranked respect as the most important leadership behavior. Yet disrespect and a lack of civility continue to grow at an alarming rate.

Just as people want to feel appreciated and acknowledged, they also want to feel respected. No one wants to work in an environment where they feel unimportant or devalued.

Implementing a culture of respect starts from the top. Make sure that you and your front-line leaders are respectful and understanding. You can also foster respect by implementing and encouraging:

  • Collaboration
  • Recognition
  • Feedback
  • Creativity

Again, the simplest actions or words can go a long way in fostering respect. Say “thank you” to your employees. Keep a smile and greet everyone. Always be willing to lend a helping hand.

Offer professional development opportunities

According to a LinkedIn study, 94% of employees would stay if their company offered more learning and professional development opportunities. If you aren’t feeding your employees’ curiosity and helping them advance, you’re doing them a huge disservice.

Losing employees because of minimal or no learning opportunities is quite damaging. Not only will your retention be impacted, but you’re also losing your best employees. 

People who are curious and want to learn are engaged, creative, and usually jump headfirst into a challenge.

Employees who lack stimulation will find an organization that is more willing to feed their curiosity and desire to grow.

Choose Synergy Systems to Find Top Talent

With competition at an all-time high, building your teams with the right people is more important than ever. If you’re struggling to acquire top talent, the team at Synergy Systems is here to help.

We are a top name in data and analytics recruitment solutions. When you need highly-skilled, in-demand professionals, you can count on us to find the perfect employees to add to your team.

With more than 15 years in the industry and over 1,000 successful placements, we’re a name that you can trust. You can be confident that our team will deliver candidates that exceed your expectations.

Get started by contacting us today.

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